Thursday, August 23, 2018

20XX Review (Nintendo Switch)

Written by Kris Galvez

Title: 20XX
Developer: Batterystaple Games
Publisher: Batterystaple
Price: $17.99
Genre: Action, Platformer, Multiplayer, Arcade
Also Available On: PS4, Steam, XB1

Combining 2 wholly separate ideas may often times lead to disaster. However, if the combination is well executed then we may get one product so good it can very well be said to be as good as the 2 ideas it came from. Batterystaple Games does that when they came up with the thought of making a roguelite Megaman X.

I'm not sure what the story of the game is but you play as 2 robots named Nina and Ace which looks like X and Zero (of Megaman X fame). Nina has an X-buster like weapon while Ace has the standard Z-saber. Both characters play surprisingly good even if they ape the moveset of X and Zero down to the last pixel. It's quite nostalgic to be able to do the Z-saber's 3 slash combo against the mobs and the bosses themselves. Too bad that the way Nina and Ace are animated is kind of amateur but they really do feel and play like X and Zero respectively. You can feel that the developers gave them the love and respect they deserve.

As said before, typical rogue lite elements are abound in 20XX. While you run, jump and gun through enemy filled levels, you need to avoid death as most of the power ups you acquire will be gone the moment you die. Levels are randomized with different elements of the X series being present. Disappearing blocks, moving platforms, robot bees, spikes, pits, slippery floors and even jumping robot dogs are there. Power ups which are a staple of the Megaman franchise also serve as the way to strengthen yourself in one 20XX run. They range from making your attacks stronger, increasing your power/health bar, extra armor to hover boots which can help you in platforming. One nice thing that is different here is that since this is a rogue lite, falling in a pit or a spike trap will not kill you outright. If you die, you return to your home base where you can use soul chips to purchase some upgrades to make your next run easier. Another nice change from the X series is that you can only choose from a pool of 3 bosses after beating a stage as the more familiar you are with the boss the more likely you will be able to advance in 1 run.

Now how can these 2 genres elevate each other by simply combining them? One simple answer to this is that the gameplay of Megaman X itself feels so good to play that playing an endless version of it is a dream come true for me. A lot of rogue lites comes down to basic platforming, attacking and powerups which tend to feel repetitive once you have finished a few runs. 20XX has that familiar X series upgrade that is fine tuned to perfection in the game. Simply adding the action of dashing and jumping makes the game fun with each run having this dynamic feeling that never gets old. Add in the staple wall jump and the action packed platforming will make your heart tremble with each level conquered. I cannot explain it well but the addition of these 2 elements from the X series makes the game a joy to play with each run.

Even if rogue lites are never known for their exquisite level design, the randomized levels in 20XX are a nice surprise. They don't feel all too randomized and they allow for exciting platforming (even if the levels are more vertical than horizontal). Some weakness to this randomization is that there is a limited pool of enemies to the game. Music, character design and animation are also mediocre. All those negatives aside, I have yet to grow tired of the game as the core game is excellent. An endless mode, daily and weekly challenges, and even a co-op mode where you and a friend can play the randomized levels together are also available so this game can be played for a long time.

I can't speak for all the people out there but my feelings that combining the core Megaman X gameplay with rogue lite elements is simply a stroke of genius. 20XX may not look and sound that good but the soul of both genres are well represented. Even with the repetition of the rogue lite genre may still be present in succeeding runs, the excitement that the Megaman X series gameplay makes up for it big time.

  • Tons of power ups are available for your characters.
  • Nina and Ace feel and play much like X and Zero from Megaman X and they really do feel great to play as.
  • The procedurally generated levels are generated with care.
  • Endless Mode, Challenges, Leaderboards and some secret characters allows for a lot of content.
  • The 2P co-op mode is surprisingly balanced.
  • Wall jumps and dash + jump feels great.

  • Music is bad. Really bad and repetitive.
  • Animation is also really bad.
  • The failings of the rogue lite experience are also here with levels being repetitive after several runs. This is solved by the Megaman X gameplay.
  • Ace, even if a Zero clone, only actually has his saber. He gets the boss power much like Nina.

Final Score: 9/10

Note: This game was reviewed using a code provided by the publisher/developer.

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