Written by JM Nuqui
Title: SteamWorld Dig 2
Developer: Image and Form International AB
Publisher: Image and Form International AB
Genre: Action, Platformer, Metroidvania
Price: $19.99
Also Available On: Switch, Steam, PS4
There are lots of Indie games being released every day on all platforms. It takes a lot of creativity and gimmick for you to standout in the massive ocean gaming industry. Image and Form international is one of those developers that tested the big current. Steamworld Dig 2 is a direct sequel to the first one. Though I haven't played that one yet. A promise of Metroidvania gameplay makes me curious to try this game out.
Anyway, If you've played Terraria, you'll be at home here, since Dorothy our protagonist is doing adventures below the ground by digging his way through secrets of the deep underground. The story is not as deep though. The game starts with your missing friend Rusty and mysterious earthquake going on around the world. You find yourself digging right away.
You don’t just dig and dig in this game. I learned that you need to somehow create an escape route so you can return to the surface for light. The game gets dark if you lose juice for your lamp. What happens when you get stuck? Well, there's no actual game over. Just self-destruct and lose some resources you’ve collected. The resources do not respawn again so you better play safely here and try not to die because you'll be using those resources to upgrade your Equipment.
Up above the surface El Machino, you can sell the resources you've found below. The higher your level the higher they sell. You can also chat to some folks for some tips and learn something about the story. The only thing I don’t like about chatting with these bots is the tiny Chatbox. So Tiny I don't like to read the text inside. You could also perform upgrades and reconfigure cogs in the surface which will give Dorothy new abilities. You have control as to what to prioritize first you can customize upgrades depending on your play style.
You need to plan your move here. Sometimes digging so much will hinder you from escaping and continue digging below. But continuing digging will lose your juice for your lamp. So you won't really see much while digging and the lower you get down the stronger the enemies gets. What I usually do is look for a warp tube that can transport you back to town. There's also an item that will let you warp back to town later in the game so be sure to be on the lookout for that. You also might want to collect cogs for the upgrade and plan where to put those for upgrade. Having an upgraded and stronger Dorothy would make the adventure below much more easier and fun. It also shorten going back and forth above the surface.
Steamworld Dig 2 is a very simple game and you don't really need to stress yourself with the game mechanics to enjoy it. It's simple yet addicting and promises long playtime for cheap. The game is also cross buy so if you have a PS4 you can download it there as well. One of the best indie games for 2017. 😁
- Simple yet addicting
- Easy learning curve
- Great graphics and performance for Vita
- Tiny Chatbox
Overall 4.5/5
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